
If the site looks a bit different today then it’s because I moved it. Nothing ever goes as smoothly as you expect, especially in the world of technology. So sorry about that. I’m doing my best. Unfortunately my best is mediocre.

Following a recent trend, I thought I would write a haiku about WordPress migration.

my files like autumn leaves
where is my domain

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Well well, tempus fugit and all that. Its been a full couple of weeks and I’ve been catching up on a few side projects, which have unfortunately pushed my 'bloggerhythms' down the priority list. The eagle-eyed amongst you will notice that the week numbering has mysteriously vanished from the post title. A cunning piece of trickery to evade the calendar police. Or the witless cover-up of a lazy man fumbling his past due submissions into the editor’s inbox. Read more


So I missed 2 weeks. Well I figured it’s probably not going to bother my devoted public of 2 or 3 kind friends who read this on the toilet when they've run out of Facebook updates. I'll also give you a free life tip: Don't set deadlines to things you enjoy.. I actually worried about not delivering my 'blog' on time to an imaginary target I set for myself. Like life isn't stressful enough.

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