I apologise in advance for what is going to happen here. Earlier this week I contracted a little earworm. Niggling in the back of my mind was this sunny little reggae number with chords still warm from the fingers of Bob Marley, overlaid with Sting’s repetitive but remorseful lyrics of heartbreak. Round and round it went in my mind piecing itself together from memory until it finally forced itself into physical manifestation through my fingers to the keyboard to the speakers. Now I’m stuck. I cannot un-hear it and I cannot hear anything else.
Not satisfied with infesting my own mind I am willed to bring this upon the rest of you and what is worse is that this dictates the theme for the week. Not earworms as they are indiscriminate and personal beasts, but songs about loneliness. And yes, there are many. Which shouldn’t be a surprise given that music is inspired by emotions both positive and negative.